Once your order is placed, you'll receive a confirmation email. This email will request verification of delivery information and your best contact details for coordinating delivery. Carrier information will be provided via email once the shipment has been dispatched. Our orders are shipped from our warehouse in FL. For accurate delivery timeframes based on your location, please visit Shipping Time Frame. Shipments are sent via LTL shipping carriers, who will contact you beforehand to schedule a delivery appointment.
At present, we exclusively fulfill orders within the United States. For shipping to destinations outside the U.S., you may choose a domestic freight forwarding company to facilitate the connection.
A: For precise delivery timeframes based on your location, please refer to Shipping Time Frame.
We collaborate with major LTL carriers and local courier partners for our shipments. Once your order is shipped, you will receive online tracking information.
A: While we do not offer customization services, we provide the option to purchase our vanities without the countertop for most models.
Our return policy allows for returns within 30 days of delivery. Please refer to our detailed Return Policy for specifics on eligible returns, conditions, and procedures to follow.
Any question?
If we still haven't answered your question, you can contact us below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.